
Titan: Pluto's big brother - The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft and the darkest moon of Saturn

My little Christmas present for myself: I have just released the English-language version of our non-fiction book on Saturn's moon Titan, the second installment in our series on lesser worlds of the solar system after "Pluto & Charon".
Adding the subtitle "Pluto's big brother" was a late thought when I realised that the similarities between the two bodies are so distinct that they ought to be attributed to the same class of (dwarf) planets, of which I made a point in the book: Plutonian worlds, besides Terrestrial and Jovian? For one thing, Pluto and Titan have the same density, the same materials (though some of them in different phases), and looking at Pluto helps a lot to understand Titan, too. And why do both of them have a desert belt made of precipitated tholin, both with a major disruption: Sputnik Planum/Planitia vs. Xanadu? So, essentially, is Titan a bigger and warmer Pluto?
Now I will have a break from writing books till New Year and then start the third installment that is already scheduled with a lecture in May.

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Edit: Sample pages can be read on Academia.edu .